Evaluators and Testers

This listing of testers and evaluators is supplied by PPEA to make you aware of the resources available to you to fulfill your annual requirement to obtain an evaluation of your homeschool efforts in Pinellas County. It is not meant to recommend or endorse any particular tester, test, evaluator or evaluation option. PPEA cannot be held responsible for testing done by these evaluators/testers or the outcome.
Prices are the lowest starting point provided by each evaluator.  Most have additional charges depending on the type of test chosen and many offer sibling discounts so it is best to email or call those evaluators that you’re interested in using.

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DAR = Diagnostic Assessment of Reading
ITBS = Iowa Test of Basic Skills
KTEA = Kaufman Test of Achievement
LAL-RW = Language Assessment Scales
OWLS = Oral Written Language Scales
PIAT = Peabody Individual Achievement Test
PIAT-R = Peabody Individual Achievement Test Revised
RIAS = Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales
SAT = Stanford Achievement Test
UNIT = Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test
WISC-IV = Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children IV
WRAT = Wide Range Achievement Test
WJ-III = Woodcock-Johnson Achievement Test III

CT=Certified Teacher
Psy.=School Psychologist

Danna AllowayPalm Harbordannaalloway@gmail.com727-943-5008BA, MA, CT: Pre-K-6K-6Portfolio Eval.45
Dayna AndersonSt. Petersburgdanderson268@tampabay.rr.com727-316-7425BA, Elem. Ed., MA Reading, CT: 1-6K-12PIAT-R; WRAT5; Portfolio Eval.40
Rowena AndersonSt. Petersburgroandan@tampabay.rr.com727-463-0577Certified Middle Grades MathVirtual Evaluation and Tutoring40
Dennis AppleSt. Petersburgswacdnkick@aol.com727-381-0415BS, MA, Ed.S., VI, MH, CT: K-12 Licensed & Nat'l Cert Psy.K-CollegeWJ-IV; IQ; Grade Place; Gifted70
Jenny Barr TheHomeschoolWell.comBelleaire Beachthehomeschoolwell@gmail.com727-560-2468CT: K-6 Sp Ed K-12 BA Elementary Ed; M.Ed. EducationK - 12Portfolio Eval. & Homeschool Support Services45
Jennifer Belknap Homeschooling in the Midst of ChaosClearwaterfloridaevals@gmail.com660-441-7422BA, CT: K-6K-12WRAT IV; WJ-III; Portfolio Eval.35
Vicky BuellerSt. Petersburgvbueller@gmail.com727-384-8178 voice 727-698-7735 textBA, CT: 5-12K-12KTEA-II; Portfolio Eval; In-person or Online25
Linda BussingerPinellas Parkbuss519@verizon.net727-365-1982MS, CT: K-12 K-12PIAT-R; Portfolio Eval.45
Lisa Casey Love2Learn2Day.comLargolisacasey3333@gmail.com727-308-1243BA, MA, CT: K-12K-12Reading/Writing Assess.; DAR; Portfolio Eval. Homeschool Support Services45
Joanne Cecere
Clearwater727-735-1946BA, CT: K-5K-12KTEA-3; ITBS; Portfolio Eval.40
Kara ColeOnline or in personkarabeara81@yahoo.com727-434-1078K-9 CertifiedK-9Portfolio Eval.30
Covenant Academy
Contact Karen Hopping
Pinellas Parkkaren.hopping@covenantacademyFL.org727-317-5526Private Homeschool Friendly SchoolK-10Terra Nova 365
Carleen DanielsSouthwest Floridaswfloridahomeschoolers
239-789-7662K-6 CertifiedPre-K-12Portfolio Eval; Testing Iowa; Stanford 10; WRAT5
Karin DoyleSeminolequeenKay119@gmail.com727-656-9278BA, CT: Pre-K-3Pre-K-3Portfolio Eval.45
Emily HancockSeminolehancock.emily.e@gmail.com810-938-3609BS; K-6
K-12Portfolio Eval.; Reading Assess.30
Dana HodgesDanarae29@hotmail.com813-948-6225BS, CT: K-6K-12Portfolio Eval.50
Diane KoplarPalm Harbormakmom99@verizon.net727-510-0616CT: 1-12K-12WJ-III65
Eve LelekisTarpon Springselelekis@hotmail.com727-938-6005BS, CT: K-6K-12Portfolio Eval.35
Loraine Materasso Homeschool-Evaluator.comSt. Petersburgloraine@homeschool-evaluator.com727-560-4509CT: K-12 ESE, K-6 General Education BS K-12ITBS; KTEA-3; Portfolio Eval; In-Person & Online35
Stefanie MayerSeminolestefaniemayer@hotmail.com727-687-9498BA Elem; CT: K-6K-12Portfolio Eval.; Standardized Test; Reading & Writing Eval.; Remote Avail.35
Carol McCabeSt. Petersburgjcmccabe6@gmail.com727-345-3198BA, CT: K-6K-12Portfolio Eval.35
Sandra Moser

Odessamosers@pcsb.org813-920-7195MS, CT: K-12K-12WJ-III60
Harold Mullins
St. Petersburgmayday_93@tampabay.rr.com727-674-3305BA, CT: K-12, Special Ed.K-12OWLS; WRAT5; Portfolio Eval.50
Cynthia Perkins Florida Homeschool EvaluationsSt. Petersburginfo@floridahomeschoolevaluations.com727-403-9870BA English 6-12 CT Mathematics 5-9K - 12Portfolio Eval. and Phone Interview25
Christina OrnealasChristina Ornelas christinaornelas1@yahoo.com858-610-3823
Cynthia PerryPalm Harbor
cperry755@gmail.com727-656-5505Pre-K - 6; ESOL Cert.K-12Portfolio Eval.40
Michelle RobinsonAnywhere via Emailrosasr20@msn.com813-545-3327BA, MA, CT: K-12, Special EdK-12Portfolio Eval.30
Victoria WardTreasure Islandvictoriaward128@gmail.com/a>727-470-4184CT: K-6
ESE and ESOL Cert.
K-12WJ-III; Portfolio Eval.75
Andrea Watsonandrea.watson3@icloud.com727-418-4558BS, CT: 1-6K-12WRAT-560
Wellmont AcademySt. Petersburgtesting@wellmontacademy.com727-300-1870Certified Teacher3rd-12ITBS75